Why Pastor Walter “Chick” McGill is not affiliated
                with the General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA)–

Welcome to this sacred place. It is certainly sacred, for it is a website where truth overcomes falsehood. The title of this cyber spot is “why Pastor Walter McGill is not affiliated with [the] General Conference Conference SDA Adventist Church.” It could just as well be titled “why Creation Seventh Day Adventist believers are not affiliated with the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.” 

It is important that you understand “the why.” All who “hunger and thirst after righteousness,” will surely desire to know. Any comments or questions are welcome.  Post Pastor "Chick" at the official email address, sda_trademark_lawsuit@yahoo.com.

WALTER MCGILL and the Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church HOAX WEBSITE

An Open Letter to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

A Summary of the Attacks on the CSDA Church in Guys, Tennessee

View the Real Video file by clicking the hyperlink below.

ABC TV NEWS from February through May of 2010  
If streaming does not work, then you may download the 5mb Real Video file for viewing.


View the February 17th and March 13th editions of the Daily Corinthian Newspaper.

Church Sign Controversy Heating Up Again: October 2010
After the General Conference filed another show-cause motion, the District Court Judge Breen filed an "Order of Reference" to set another contempt hearing before Magistrate Judge Bryant. Judge Bryant held a status conference and asked that Pastor "Chick" return to the United States to face responsibility for the continued violations of the injunction and court orders, even though the assistant pastor is named as the active member in repainting the signs and maintaining remaining church websites. Pastor "Chick" has drafted his response to the Court in care of his attorney, Charles Holliday. Read the two-page email. Read Lucan Chartier's email response.

The Spiritual State of "Babylon Fallen"

Read Victims of Policy by Dr. David Aguilar, and/or listen to the Realplayer audio version.

General Conference "Damage Control 2010"--An attempt at justifying the violation of God's Law via "Corporate Image" Policy View article with comments included.

Read Pastor Walter “Chick” McGill’s Story

Seventh-day Adventist Church Found Wanting

The McGill Trademark Lawsuit: SDA v. CSDA

Pastor "Chick's" Final Answer to the General Conference of SDA lead attorney RE compliance with the District Court injunction

The Writings of Pastor "Chick" McGill

My Final Chapter: An Exposition of Last Day Events

Forbes Magazine declares the Pope to be "highest earthly authority" for one-sixth of the world's population.

My Open Letter to Ted N. C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Legal Documentation and News

November 9, 2010:  Cert. Filed In Seventh Day Adventist Case: Does RFRA Apply To Suits Between Private Parties?

Adventist Review: "A Victory for Religious Freedom"
The SDA Church was a major supporter of the RFRA bill in 1992-93. Will the General Conference reverse the original position in Gen. Conf. v. McGill?

October 20, 2010: Motion for Contempt
View picture of the repainted church sign at the Guys, TN church house here.


Second Letter from General Conference Attorney Announcing Church Sign Take-down at the Guys, TN church house

Magistrate Judge's Report on May 25th Contempt Hearing

Complete version of Defendant's Appellant Brief filed with the 6th Circuit of Appeals

Condensed version of Appellant Brief filed August 17, 2009

Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Default

Defendant's Objection to Magistrate's Report and Recommendation

Lucan Chartier's response to General Conference demand for deposition

General Conference Attorney's response to Lucan Chartier

Lucan Chartier's response to General Conference attorney

Addional Resources

External Links:

A Natural Healing Site

A Modern-Day Prophet's Site

7th Day Adventism

Kenya Creation SDA

The Controverted Name: Seventh Day Adventist

The Precious Promises of God

The Three Sabbaths

The Sacred Logo of YAH

The Banned Church

Religious Liberty

The Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church: Canadian Field

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International

The Creation 7th Day Adventist Church (CSDA Church)

The Fourth Angel's Movement

Seventh-day Adventist Religious Liberty Reclaimed

SDA v. CSDA Trademark Lawsuit Website

CSDA Church: Korean Site

The Creation Seventh Day Adventist Blog

CSDA News Blog

Seventh Day Adventism

Seventh-day Adventist Church Found Wanting

Seventh-day Adventists v. Creation 7th Day Adventists Lawsuit Information

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Internet Radio

The Fourth Angel Website

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

SDA v. CSDA Trademark Lawsuit

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International: Rwanda

Why Pastor Walter McGill is not Affiliated with SDA Church

Main Website of the Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International (Alternate)

Why Barbara Isenburg is not Affiliated with SDA Church


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